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Request a Cardio Vascular Screening Test

Our CardioVascular Life Screening Package is an accurate, affordable and non-invasive ultrasound assessment. These effective painless screening exams can detect problems that can lead to stroke/heart attack and cardiovascular disease before it is too late. When, these health issues are detected early, there is a much higher preventive success rate. Early detection makes for easier management at a significantly lower cost. Ultrasound is a completely safe and effective form of testing where no radiation is used.

1. Echocardiogram: This is considered the most accurate non-invasive heart evaluation. We can actually see your heart through ultrasound and evaluate its efficiency. An echocardiogram provides information on your heart size, walls and how well the valves are functioning. We will also be able to evaluate previous damage to the heart; as well as, risk level for heart attack.

2. Carotid Ultrasound: An ultrasound evaluation of the carotid arteries that screens for plaque build-up or blockage, which is the leading cause of strokes. We can actually see inside your carotid arteries to evaluate your stroke risk level. Nearly, 4 out of 5 people that have a stroke have no symptoms or warning signs.

3. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening: AAA ultrasound screening is used to detect the presence of an Aortic aneurysm (enlargement) that could lead to a rupture. Like strokes, AAAs are mostly caused by plaque build-up. The majority of people with an aortic aneurysm have no symptoms. If the AAA is untreated and ruptures the death rate is as high as 80 percent.

4. Ankle-Brachial Index: ABI is an index used to measure blood flow in the upper extremities compared to the lower extremities.This is a test to screen for possible peripheral arterial disease (PAD) which is a risk factor for heart attack. A person with a low ABI reading is 4 to 5 times at higher risk for heart attack then, a person with a normal ABI reading.

The complete CardioVascular Life Screening package for only $135

All exams will be performed by a registered/certified ultrasound Sonographer.

All exams will be reviewed and interpreted by a board certified Cardiologist/Radiologist.

Each participant will receive their own individualized assessment report.

Each screening exam can also be put on DVD for a minimal fee.

Quick turnaround time for assessment reports (5 days).

Our ultrasound screening service can be performed at any of the following locations:

  • At one of our affiliated locations.
  • At your office or place of business.
  • Even in the convenience and comfort of your own home!

We also offer other screening tests that are not listed by calling/emailing (813) 415-6172 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or filling out the contact form you can receive further information about tests, packages and our upcoming locations and dates. Thank you!

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